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Re: Indo-European question

From:Muke Tever <alrivera@...>
Date:Friday, June 22, 2001, 1:09
From: "Lars Henrik Mathiesen" <thorinn@...>
> > So anyway, is *ph_2te:r the kind of lenghtened grade word you're talking > > about? > > It is --- though Beekes' explanation (which I've now found) is > different: The nominative -s, where found, is a later development, but > there's a general sound law that lengthens the last vowel in a word if > followed by a sonorant other than m (i.e., i, u, l, r, n). And since > many athematic noun stems end in sonorants, we see this effect in the > nominative where the ending (is zero or) has no vowel.
Huh. I figured that looked like a rule, from looking at the Greek declensions, but I didn't know it was one that old. I had it inherited into Hadwan anyway, er, that whenever nominative -s had to be added to an athematic stem where it couldn't phonotactically go, the -s wasn't added and the vowel was lengthened instead. And, heh, those would be the stems ending in sonorants... *Muke!