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Re: Hell hath no Fury (was: war and death are in my hand)

From:Muke Tever <alrivera@...>
Date:Wednesday, June 13, 2001, 3:54
From: "Steg Belsky" <draqonfayir@...>
> doubly-articulated voiceless stops: pt tk kp > > Does it seem possible that the first two doubly-articulated stops would > exist? I remember seeing /kp/ and it's voiced counterpart /gb/ in > African languages, but i've never heard of /pt/ and /tk/. I can > pronounce them easily enough...
Is it necessary that they be doubly-articulated stops? Can they just be clusters? PIE apparently had *k't or *tk'--Watkins lists *tk'ei- > Eng. 'home', Gk. 'ktizein', possibly Lat. 'situs'--*tk' also in the bearword *r=tk'os. (voiced *dhgh' in *dhgh'em- "earth", *dhgh'u:- "fish"...) And Greek has <pt>... *Muke! --