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Re: OT: Definitely Not YAEPT: English phoneme inventory?

From:Mark J. Reed <markjreed@...>
Date:Wednesday, July 16, 2003, 19:45
On Wed, Jul 16, 2003 at 12:00:54PM -0500, Nik Taylor wrote:
> That's still an EPT, because even the *number* of phonemes is not > constant. For example, my dialect does not distinguish /O/ and /A/, but > others do.
I'm looking for the ones that are phonemically distinct in *some* dialect. I don't distinguish /O/ and /A/ either - [O] doesn't appear at all in my speech unless I'm intentionally imitating another dialect or speaking another language. But I recognize that they're distinct English phonemes because in some dialects they're distinct.
> > It also includes these symbols: > > > > \<sup>&</sup>\ as e in kitten > > \&r\as ur/er in further > > > > Both of the above are really just examples of syllabicizing the > > following consonant, though, so I don't consider them phonemes. > > Well, the "e in kitten" is schwa in many dialects, i.e., /kIt@n/. For > me, it's *usually* syllabic, but /@n/ occurs on occasion.
Right, but in such cases, it's just /@/ + /n/. It's still not a separate phoneme. Ditto for 'lects where /r=/ is actually realized as [@`\r] or whatever. I think the only reason such schwas are treated separately in the pronunciation guide is because of the fact that they often disappear in actual speech; but the lack of a phone does not a phoneme make. :) Incidentally, on an earlier YAEPT I said that /t/ never turned into [?] for me, but I was wrong. It does so in <kitten>, <button>, etc. even though it doesn't in <bottle>, etc. -Mark


Tristan McLeay <kesuari@...>
Ian Spackman <ianspackman@...>