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Re: Q about /c/

From:Andreas Johansson <andjo@...>
Date:Sunday, January 25, 2004, 16:54
Quoting Christophe Grandsire <christophe.grandsire@...>:

> En réponse à Joe : > > > >Hmm. Orbis Latinus claims that |y| is [j], as do a load of other sites, > >a good chunk of dictionaries, and the tapes from my school Spanish > >course. Orbis Latinus also claims that the 'official' pronunciation in > >España is that |ll| is [j], my teachers agree. > > I have to disagree. I was myself taught that 'll' and 'y' were identically > pronounced, but had the disagreeable experience when I went to Spain to > discover that it isn't so in Castille, and that officially 'll' is [L]. [L] > is still very much used in Castillan Spanish (the Spanish of Madrid and its > neighbourhood) and as it happens it's the dialect that is considered > "standard" and taught at schools. My teacher of Spanish was of origin > Andalucian and never went to school in Spain, which is why she taught us > the 'll'='y' thing. After the trip, she admitted that it was not official > standard, but that except in Castille everyone spoke that way.
Upholding the distinction isn't universal even in Castille. My relatives from there merge 'll' and 'y'. Andreas