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_Sloth Poem_ Re: Yet another text for translation

From:Jonathan Chang <zhang2323@...>
Date:Wednesday, August 2, 2000, 7:21
>The sheep bleats, > hungry for food, > hungry for warmth. >The sturdy mangrove, > roots deep in the water, > sways in the breeze. >And the sloth just watches. > >Great comforting leaves. >Warm distressed wool. >And the sloth just watches.
NOTE: Lingwa Frakas is my first ConLang. Its for the purpose of _ostranenie_ - creativity -art - as de-familiarization; making familiar strange. It has lotsa influences - mainly Chinese Pidgin English, Tok Pisin, and Bislama with Japanese onomatpoeia and slang thrown in. okay... in the ConLang pidgin-in-progress called Lingwa Frakas: Mutand Inglis Pidjin (Lingua Fracas: Mutant English Pidgin): Plenti shipi blit, hangri far fud, hangri far hot. Tuf wata tri wid plenti big rud, plenti rut dip in wata, in briz ::soyo-soyo:: . An karawac jast long-tem ai-bal. Plenti mig ::pika-pika:: gren flawa blong tri. Hot plenti-wabi wul. An karawac jast long-tem ai-bal. In the sort of time I have right now, I think only a few things need immediate explanations: :: ____:: <==== onomatopoetic voice (words derived from Japanese onomatopoeia) "karawac" <=== derived from Jack Kerouac (hommage to the Kerouac line: "The Sloth is a Chinese Poet upsidedown") I do not like the libel that the word "sloth" connotes (and it seems other languages - both NatLang and ConLang - continue to slander the poor, slow, methodical animal). The sloth is a survivor from the earliest days of the Age of Mammals. That must count for something!