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Re: Proto-Conlang rough sketch (was: Re: First Post and . . . )

From:Jason Monti <yukatado@...>
Date:Wednesday, March 21, 2007, 5:15
On Tue, 20 Mar 2007 16:44:30 -0400, Alex Fink <a4pq1injbok_0@...> wrote:

>You're saying the zero-grade of a root with say [aen] will contain [a_^n_=], >as opposed to [an]? That's pretty weird, and it goes against the sonority >hierarchy, especially for a low vowel like [a]. It's not even clear what >[a_^] might be -- perhaps a pharyngeal? > >For that matter, is [ae] an opening diphthong or a closing one?
Oops. I typoed. Yes, [aen] > [an]. I'm afraid that I don't understand what an opening or closing diphthong is, but if you've ever heard the Japanese word for "front/forward": mae, pronounced, then that's what it sounds like. Basically, it sounds similar to [aj], but the diphthong levels off at [e] instead of rising all the way to [i]. However, I may have a phonological option that /ae/ > [aj], which would contrast dialectically with [ae]. This could allow for a further lowering in one of the daughters to [{] while the other begins splitting into [ai:].
>>The grades will be based on gaining or losing stress: i.e., o-grade is >>stressed, e-grade is defult, and zero-grade is not stressed. If stress >>shifts from the o-grade, it becomes an e-grade. If stress shifts from an >>e-grade, it becomes a zero-grade. Conversely, if stress shifts TO a >>zero-grade, it becomes an e-grade, and an e-grade beomes an o-grade. > >Simplistically it seems you have two ablaut patterns here, stressed [e] vs. >unstressed [0] and stressed [o] vs. unstressed [e], so that no vowel in the >same form ever has all three realizations as stress moves. What determines >which vowels are zero-grade when unstressed, and which e-grade? I get the >impression they're not meant to contrast in roots; so does the morphology >select which vowel alternations any given derivative of the root uses? > >Alex
Well, I'm still trying to work out some rules beyond that, but for now, I hink that affixation will do it. I called the e-grade "defult" because unadorned, the root will take the e-grade. However, an affix will lose its e-grade and lend its stress to the root, sending the root into the o-grade: CeC + Ce > CoCC0, for example. Now, if we take that same compound of Root + Affix, and we add another affix, the new afix will go into its zero-grade (loss of stress by lending its stress to the preceding zero-grade, sending it into e-grade, which, rather than defult, would be secondary stress: CoCC0 + Ce > CoCCeC0. Now what I need to figure out is how I can have stress taken from syllables that are of a higher grade.