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Re: OT: Conlangea Dreaming

From:Christophe Grandsire <christophe.grandsire@...>
Date:Thursday, October 12, 2000, 2:07
En réponse à Patrick Dunn <tb0pwd1@...>:

> Oh my god! It finally happened! I had a dream in French. > > Well, part of it was in French. > > In the dream, I met an old flame of mine, and took him to class with me. > We started making out in class, and the teacher got so flustered she > started lecturing in French! Unfortunately, I couldn't understand a > word > of it, and obviously wasn't paying attention anyway, since my pants were > off. >
:)) Strange, I know French has a reputation of being well designed for emotions (whether it is about insulting people or saying that you love them) but that's a strange idea to start to lecture people in French! :)
> Good dream. >
:)) I can imagine :)
> My only objection was . . . Kevin? I'd rather forget him. Why couldn't > it have been Jeff? He was much nicer to me, all in all. >
I don't have this problem: whenever I have this kind of dreams, it's always with my boyfriend! Even in my dreams I don't cheat on him! And after that he's still worried when he's in Holland and me in France and we're separated for a long time... Christophe.