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Re: cases

From:Jim Grossmann <steven@...>
Date:Tuesday, December 3, 2002, 3:53
My conlang, Palo, has three cases:  common, genitive, and locative.

In Palo, common-case usually marks agents and patients (or entities with
copular and existential verbs).

However, when the verb is ditransitive, common-case marks the noun phrases
that stand for the agent and beneficiary, while a genitive that appears
after the obligatory clause-initial particle marks the noun phrase that
stands for the patient.

Palo locative case could be more precisely called
locative-allative-postpositional.   It indicates location at, motion to or
towards, and marks all complements of postpositions.  Usually, locative is
an oblique case, but it can serve as an argument for certain copular verbs.
