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Re: Person distinctions in languages?

From:Carsten Becker <naranoieati@...>
Date:Thursday, February 3, 2005, 19:11

On Wednesday 02 February 2005 18:31, Kevin Athey wrote:

 > **In the first person plural, of course.  I've seen this
 > somewhere in the second person plural, but I don't
 > remember where.  I don't even remember if it was a
 > natlang or a conlang, although I'm mostly sure it was the
 > former. Can anyone help me with that?

I've had a 2nd person inanimate when Ayeri was still
"young". But I dropped that device because I couldn't think
of a possible sensible use.

Now, I've only got a 3rd person inanimate, which will be
eventually dropped as well or used if my lang will ever
develop a male/female distinction. I know that using the
inanimate pronoun for fe/males would be sexist, but it
wouldn't be untypical for a natlang at least AFAIK.




Steven Williams <feurieaux@...>
Kevin Athey <kevindeanathey@...>