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Re: OT: on .ogg

From:Herman Miller <hmiller@...>
Date:Saturday, March 5, 2005, 6:21
Sally Caves wrote:

> Right... my husband has Winamp on his computer. A minor problem with it is > that it wants to interfere in "My Pictures" when I go to upload my digital > camera. I really only want the Media Wizard to be doing that. But maybe > that's another program, I can't remember. It's too late at night. > > Sally > > Do you use .ogg to record, Herman? Aren't a fair number of people still > using .mp3? I'd like a pro and con here.
I save original files in .wav format and convert to .mp3 for the web. Cool Edit 2000 (which was discontinued after Adobe bought Syntrillium's product line) doesn't support .ogg files, since it came out before .ogg started catching on. I have ogglame.exe for creating ogg files but I hardly ever use it. I suppose I could download Audacity, but it's easier just to continue using Cool Edit.