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Re: OT: Junk

From:Joe <joe@...>
Date:Saturday, September 13, 2003, 10:02
----- Original Message -----
From: "Tristan McLeay" <zsau@...>
To: <CONLANG@...>
Sent: Saturday, September 13, 2003 10:32 AM
Subject: Re: OT: Junk

> On Sat, 13 Sep 2003, Joe wrote: > > > From: "Tristan McLeay" <zsau@...> > > > *I don't know what the sell in the UK, but in Australia, it isn't a > > > fish-n-chips shop unless they sell fish and chips (and other things in > > > batter), souvlaki, hamburgers, dimsims and springrolls. > > > > > > > Over here, all Fish and Chip shops are run by greeks. > > Ours used to be (hence the souvlaki), now they seem to be run by Asians. > Seems to be an immigrant-of-the-day thing. > > > They sell fish, > > chips, battered things(that's pretty much anything, they sell battered
> > Bars, appparently a Glaswegian invention), > > I've seen those for sale, never bought one though. > > > kebabs(that is, meat in a pita bread), pies(Chicken and Mushroom, > > Steak and Kidney, and Beef and Onion), and sausages. > > Sausages? That sounds odd. With pies I'd expect pasties and sausage > _rolls_, but not sausages. (You can't sell pies without pasties and > sausage rolls!)
They do sell sausage rolls, but not pasties. That's left to the nice bakeries. They sell mostly battered sausages, but you can see unbattered ones as well.
> > I don't know what a souvlaki is. > > My impression is that if they come from Greece, they're souvlaki, if they > come from further west, they're kebabs, if they come from America, they're > wraps.
Ok...they're all Kebabs here(in Fish'n'chip shops, at least.)
> (BTW: hamburgers with the lot include beetroot and pineapple and possibly > bacon and eggs (as in they mightn't be on the lot, but they are options). > If you feel like a good hamburger, you make your way to a fish-n-chips > shop, not a McDonalds.)
Indeed. Personally, I find fish'n'chip shops infinitely better quality than fast food chains. Sure, they may flaunt health and safety regulations, but they taste so good ;-)


Tristan McLeay <zsau@...>