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Re: Which auxlangs? (was Re: I won't start a flame war)

From:Charles <catty@...>
Date:Wednesday, November 10, 1999, 8:31
Raymond Brown wrote:

> Why do we have to bring the petty & pointless politics of auxlang onto this > list?
I think you may have missed the first few postings. It is gradually developing into an annoying argument about which auxlang should be left out. If Occidental is included, I won't mind which others are also. I also suggested several other good options.
> >Auxlangs will save the world, but only after they kill each other!?! > > Auxlangs will do neither.
Humor was not marked, or not appreciated, sorry.
> What's your beef with having Eo on the shirt, anyway? > > > >My beef is that you ought not to be judging auxlangs. Nor should anyone. > > But Don is not & was not - unless my understanding of English is at fault - > making any judgment as to the fitness or otherwise of any conlang as an > auxlang. He was merely pointing to historical fact.
Esperanto is now a major competitor among auxlangs. I'd rather not see it advertised above the others. Volapuk and Solresol are safely dead and noncontroversial.
> To omit it from a list of conlangs is IMHO simply ignoring history and > being petty minded.
Well, I'm asking for Occ to be present, then I have no problem. There are only about 6 auxlangs in contention, so I'd like to see all 6 or none.
> I can see that deciding between Occidental & Interlingua as the > representative of the 'euroclone' (no one's mentioned 'Eurolang'!) could be > a source of argument. That's why Jay's Ekspreso is probably preferable as > it's a euroclone conIAL of one the current list members.
Eurolang is another good one, if submitted.
> To ignore conIALs entirely seems to me a cop out. They do form an > interesting variety of conlangs. To have Solresol as the representative of > a_priori type, Volapuk as a 'mixed type', Esperanto as early a_posteriori & > Ekspesso of more recent a_posteriori seems entirely reasonable to me.
Well, why not include Glosa, Occ, and Ido? They all have active lists (I'm on them) and deserve a place. Interlingua too. Add Eo, that's 5.
> Heck - if we can't discuss these reasonably and objectively on this list, > without getting into the petty-minded politics of auxlang, then I think I > might keep to a list where this can be done.
My opinion is valid as yours or anyone else's, and I will exercise it.