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Re: THEORY: Tone marking (Was Re: THEORY: Mandarin vowel phonology)

From:R. Nierse <rnierse@...>
Date:Wednesday, October 13, 1999, 11:46
> Van: Paul Bennett <Paul.Bennett@...> > Aan: Multiple recipients of list CONLANG <CONLANG@...> > Onderwerp: Tone marking (Was Re: THEORY: Mandarin vowel phonology) > Datum: woensdag 13 oktober 1999 10:27 > > It was invented by Yuen Ren Chao, and it's a tonal-spelling system, > which hard-codes the tone into each syllable using special spelling > conventions instead of leaving it as an easily-lost diacritic. > Thus, ma1 = "ma", ma2 = "mar" (GR uses -l instead of -r for
> ma3 = "maa", ma4 = "mah". It's not as simple as "suffix -r, double,
suffix -h",
> though. > <<<<<< > There's another natlang that does that in romanisation, I can't think of
> name of it off the top of my head, (Hmoob-something?).
I once read a Lonely Planet book (a little one, you know them) about minority languages in Thailand. One of those languages used q,x, etc. for marking tones. I forgot the name.