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OT: an axe to grind

From:Adam Walker <carrajena@...>
Date:Thursday, February 9, 2006, 23:24
I've been looking at possible roots for the word
"axe", "adz" and "hatchet" in Carrajina.  I've come up
with several possibilities.

The Latin word "secu:ris" gives:

Vegliot:     s&#269;or
Romanian:    secure
Italian:     scure
Spanish:     segur
Portuguese:  segure

It also seems to be the source of Algerian Arabic:

The Germanic "hapjo:" gives:

French:    hache, hachette
Spanish:   hacha
English:   hatchet

Latin "ascia" gives:

Italian: ascia, accetta(?)

and is connected to the Greek "axi:ne:" and the
English "axe".  I'm thinking that Galician "anciño"
and Portuguese "enxó" might go here, too.

The Ladino "balta" is a borrowing from the Turkish

Catalan, Spanish and Occitan all have "destral" for
which I can't find the etymon.

Spanish and Portuguese have "machado" and Portuguese
adds the diminutive, "machadihna".

Spanish has the word "azuela" which I can't find an
etymon for.

Portugeze also has "cutelo" which other langs use for

A Latin term that doesn't seem to survive is

Romanian adds a whole list of oddballs that don't seem
to be Romance in origin:
oblu, rândea, tesl&#259;, topor, topora&#351;,
I'm guessing that some are Slavic and some are
Hungarian.  There dosen't appear to be a Turkish form,
unless "bardu&#355;a" is related to "balta".

Anyone able to elucidate any of the other forms?


Pochini ninadud ul Jezu in ul Betuemi djal Juda in ils djis djul Errodu ul regu –
iñi! aviniruns junis maguis djil ojindi ad al Jerosolima, dichindu: «¿Jundi
esti ul regu djuls Ivreus fin ninadud? Pervia avemus spepadu al su steja in il
ojindi ed avemus avinidu adorari ad sivi.»

Mach 2:1-2


Paul Bennett <paul-bennett@...>
Christopher Marshall <vaiaata@...>
Paul Bennett <paul-bennett@...>
Benct Philip Jonsson <bpj@...>