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HUMOUR: Reformas del español (was: "Euro English": is this for real???

From:Barry Garcia <barry_garcia@...>
Date:Saturday, October 7, 2000, 2:31
>Hmm, now that you point it out......The fellow who posted it mentioned >that >he "got it from a friend" (who got it from a friend....); probably >somewhere >along the line someone slipped into old habits. Personal Opinion of one >who's had a life-long love affair with the Span. language: "That's the >ugliest thing I ever saw" (to borrow LBJ's comment at the unveiling of his >official portrait). > >I'll bet there are similar "proposed reforms" for many of our favorite >languages!! >HANDS OFF THE ORTHOGRAPHY! ;-)
God forbid someone Tagalogcizes Spanish for you :). Let's see (as best I can manage) what it might look like if written the way Tagalog writes borrowed Spanish words: Eso si: nungka asetaremo ke potensiya estranhera token kabeyo de letra enye. Enye representa balore mas elebado de tradisyon espanika y primero kaeremo mueto ante ke asetar behasyone a simbolo ke a sio korason bibifikante de estoriya katisa espanyola unibersa. Personally, I think the reform is interesting, visually. I wouldnt change the orthography though (maybe to make things a bit more regular, but I like the language as it is).
> > >