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Re: /p/ versus devoiced b?

From:D Tse <exponent@...>
Date:Monday, January 29, 2001, 2:43
> > Voiceless and voiced consonants differ in more than just vocal chord > > vibration (voicing). One major difference is "voice onset time" (VOT). > > Voiceless consonants have a longer period of voicelessness before the > > voicing of the vowel begins than do the voiced consonants: this is the > > aspiration. > >Is this how you can still tell the difference between English B & P even >when whispering?
>After testing myself a bit, this seems likely. But I am not phonetically >educated enough to say with absolute surety.
I remember reading in Pullum & Ladusaw's "Phonetic Symbol Guide" something like "like a voiceless /p/ but with the slack articulation of a /b/" but I can't find the entry right now. Imperative