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Re: Fragment of a new language

From:Padraic Brown <pbrown@...>
Date:Monday, April 19, 1999, 0:41
On Sat, 17 Apr 1999, Sylvia Sotomayor wrote:

> New language discovered by Sylvia Sotomayor and Adam Walker, given the na=
> "Seldm=94, of which, unfortunately, only exists the following list of num=
> terms:
>=20 > Morphemes: > s- square of the number > tele- tripling of the number > reduplication and partial reduplication. is the equivalent of doubling th=
> number.
These are very interesting data indeed! They seem to indicate an advanced race for whom higher mathematics are either child's play or innate. One wonders what other surprises lurk around the next corner. Padraic.
>=20 >=20 > Sylvia Sotomayor > > >=20