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Re: USAGE: English eth

From:Aquamarine Demon <aquamarine_demon@...>
Date:Friday, November 9, 2001, 23:44
>"Bequeath" , "lithe", and some of the other words here i pronounce >with [T], not [D]... some of them may be because i've never really *heard* >them spoken, but have seen them in writing.
Yeah... I've always said "bequeath" like that, too. I've never heard it the other way. Also, "scythe" is a homophone to "sigh" for me (when I get a chance to actually use it...;) ) The Aquamarine Demon Ogesám yoneh yamáki li káyeng ili onanísám paná doh. --------------------------------- Do You Yahoo!? Find a job, post your resume on Yahoo! Careers.