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Re: CHAT: feckly off-topic (was: THEORY: Storage Vs. Computation)

From:Christophe Grandsire <christophe.grandsire@...>
Date:Tuesday, June 22, 1999, 5:20
At 10:24 21/06/99 +0200, you wrote:
>> Actually, i like how German sounds when its spoken softly, but hearing my >> next door neighbor yell at her grandkids in german, it sounds very harsh >> and grating =). I think dutch is actually softer than german is. > >(hee! hee! ha! ha! ha!) Dutch is far more guttural than german. But apart >from all the rasping fricatives I love the sound of Dutch; I wish I could >find an excuse to move to Holland for a while :-) >
I have one! And I'll actually go to the Netherlands within one month and a half, for a duration of 5 months. I hope I can add Dutch in my spoken languages after that :) .
>Josh > >
Christophe Grandsire |Sela Jemufan Atlinan C.G. "Reality is just another point of view." homepage :