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Re: CHAT: feckly off-topic (was: THEORY: Storage Vs. Computation)

From:Paul Bennett <pbennett@...>
Date:Saturday, June 19, 1999, 23:43
On 19 Jun 99, at 18:27, Sally Caves wrote:

> Paul Bennett wrote: > > > Please don't say your choice of _diptheria_ is a matter of taste. > > You put me right off my dinner :-X > > Well, I can't help that! Go take some bonine. ;-) It's spelled with a > "phth"
Sorry, it was a blatant tyop. And after you took pains to point it out as well. Unforgivable! ;-)
> and thinking the sound of the word, not the concept, is beautiful, was > what I thought was a matter of, shall we say, discrimination. <G> It > should > be a delicate flower.
Yup. Got that. I'm honestly not the humourless old sod that some people would imagine(!). I just come across that way in writing, rather too often for my liking. <G>
> Whereas as pulchritude should mean a disease.
Possibly something with a "popular name" of "crackly lung"? --- Pb ...shambling off into the darkness, pounding his chest to the accompaniment of a bout of crackly lung, spare leg slung jauntily over his shoulder...