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Re: CHAT: feckly off-topic (was: THEORY: Storage Vs. Computation)

From:Nik Taylor <fortytwo@...>
Date:Tuesday, June 22, 1999, 19:48
Sally Caves wrote:
> Several people have commented on my "user unfriendly" spelling of > Teonaht; > someone told me it was "counter-productive" to make "th" into "ht," and > "y" /j/ into "u,"
Well, those certainly are *odd* transliterations ... But anyway, when I see Teonaht, I feel rather less guilty about my own transcription. I mean, <ty> for /tS/ isn't that strange, especially not compared to {u} for /j/! --=20 Yaw=EDntasva natab=ED, plansaf=ED nlak=FAsi. ICQ #: 18656696 AIM screen-name: NikTailor