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Re: [YAEUT] Lexical variation survey

From:Jeffrey Jones <jsjonesmiami@...>
Date:Monday, May 5, 2008, 6:52
On Sun, 4 May 2008 13:41:09 -0400, Kelly Drinkwater
<mizunomi@...> wrote:
> >Date of birth:
>Where do you currently live? (city, state/province, country)
Miami, FL, USA (by "Miami", I really mean Dade County)
>Please list the places you've lived between age 4 and age 18, with the >most recent first:
Jacksonville, FL (17) Miami, FL (6-16) College Station, TX (5) Miami, FL (4)
>Highest level of education completed:
BS (computer science)
>Ethnic heritage:
>What is/are your native language(s)?
>Roughly how many years have you been conlanging or studying linguistics?
>How many years ago did you first encounter / begin reading (not >necessarily join / begin posting on) an online conlanging community?
>1. the metal device over a sink or bathtub that controls the flow of water: >faucet, spigot, tap
>2. the apparatus from which you'd get a drink of water in a public place: >bubbler, drinking fountain, water fountain
water fountain
>3. the device that firefighters attach their hoses to: >fire hydrant, fire plug
fire hydrant
>4. the container in which you'd put water for washing the car or the floor: >bucket, pail
>5. a machine that performs banking services: >ATM, automated teller, bank machine, cash machine, cash point, >guichet, hole in the wall, money machine, commercial name (eg MAC >machine, Instant Teller, Instabank)
ATM (sometimes, automated ATM machine)
>6. stuff you throw away: >garbage, rubbish, trash
garbage (trash is usually stuff picked up in the yard, maybe from yard work; "rubbish" == "nonsense")
>7. the wheeled conveyance you put your groceries in while shopping: >basket, buggy, cart, trolley
shopping cart
>8. a shallow pan for frying eggs or meat: >fry pan, frying pan, griddle, skillet, spider
frying pan
>9. a piece of chocolate, 4-6 inches long: >bar, candy bar, chocolate bar
a piece of chocolate
>10. a carbonated, non-alcoholic beverage, like Coke or Sprite: >coke, cola, cold drink, fizzy drink, pop, soda, soda pop, soft drink, tonic
soda, something to drink
>11. cooking outside over a charcoal grill in the summertime: >barbecuing, grilling, grilling out, having a cookout
barbecuing (in fact, the same word is used all year long)
>12. a cold sandwich on a foot-long roll: >sub(marine), hero, hoagie, grinder
sub (sandwich); a long time ago: Cuban sandwich
>13. the sweet, creamy layer on top of a cake: >frosting, icing
>14. your main evening meal: >dinner, supper
>15. food picked up and taken home to eat: >carry-out, take-away, take-out
>16. an appliance on which you heat food in saucepans: >cooker, range, stove
stove (the portable kind is a hotplate)
>17. knives, forks, and spoons: >cutlery, flatware, silverware, utensils
silverware if metal; something to eat with if plastic, or referred to specifically as knife, fork, or spoon (cutlery refers to sharp knives of any kind; utensils includes stuff used in cooking rather than eating, like plastic spatulas)
>18. contact someone by telephone: >call, phone, ring, telephone, buzz
call, phone
>19. the toilet facilities in a public place: >bathroom, facilities, ladies' room / men's room, lavatory, loo, >restroom, toilet, washroom, WC, john
men's (ladies') room, maybe restroom I should note that many people do use these for bathing.
>20. athletic shoes worn with jeans as casual footwear: >gym shoes, plimsolls, runners, running shoes, sneakers, tennis shoes, >trainers, brand name (eg Adidas)
sneakers, tennis shoes, gym shoes, or running shoes, depending on the specific kind
>21. a sweatshirt with front pockets and a hood: >hooded sweatshirt, hoodie, kangaroo jacket, bunnyhug
something like a sweatshirt, but with a hood and some pockets (these aren't very common here); "hoodie" sounds like a gangster
>22. a piece of furniture that seats 3 people: >couch, chesterfield, davenport, divan, settee, sofa
>23. a piece of furniture with drawers for socks, underwear, etc.: >bureau, chest (of drawers), drawers, dresser, highboy
dresser (chester drawers when I was very young); I think a bureau is a fancy sort of desk.
>24. the last letter of the alphabet: >zed, zee
which alphabet?
>25. the place where you pay for something in a store: >cash, cash register, cashier, check-out, till
cash register


Hanuman Zhang <zhang@...>