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Re: CHAT: proramming langs, was Re: CHAT: OS pain

From:Lars Henrik Mathiesen <thorinn@...>
Date:Monday, November 15, 1999, 23:47
> Date: Mon, 15 Nov 1999 13:47:43 -0800 > From: Charles <catty@...>
> Brook Conner wrote:
> > the syntax and semantics of Perl is still > > horrendous. Don't get me wrong - it is clearly a useful tool, > > Right. Unfortunately, there's nothing better at present > for what I like to do. At least there was some awareness > of linguistics, getting away from the algebraic model.
And, for a miracle, the syntax of Perl has gotten simpler in some ways as it has evolved. That is to say, in many cases where you used to have to use different syntaxes with different 'verbs,' you can now use all the different syntaxes with all the different verbs. Fewer exceptions to remember. Contrast with C++, Java, ... A bit like Spinrad's sprog propre: You can write in your own dialect, using the constructions you like and trust, but to read someone else's code you have to know all the tricks.
> > > GUIs have taken the field temporarily, but I expect a return > > > of the old command-line, in the form of speech-based interfaces. > > > > Erm. Try doing a spreadsheet that way.... > > Who needs spreadsheets?
They are handy when you don't feel like writing a specialized Perl script just to add up your check book. Besides, ever tried the original Lotus 1-2-3? Back before PCs had mice? (Or SuperCalc, but I'm not that old). (There is actually a CHAT: in the Subject:, but it's gotten dislocated from the front... does the ListServ subject filter catch it anyway?) Lars Mathiesen (U of Copenhagen CS Dep) <thorinn@...> (Humour NOT marked)