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Participles and Other Verbals, vs Relative Clauses and Other Subordinate Clauses, in Conlangs and Natlangs

From:Eldin Raigmore <eldin_raigmore@...>
Date:Thursday, June 22, 2006, 15:00
Thanks to everyone who so helpfully replied to my previous similar thread.
(And congratulations on your good work, too! It looks intriguing.)

Those responses let me notice that in many conlangs, and I suppose also in
some natlangs, ideas that some _other_ languages express via verbals such
as participles and infinitives and gerunds etc., are often expressed
instead via relative clauses (whether restrictive R.C.s or the other kind
of R.C.) and/or perhaps other kinds of subordinate and/or dependent and/or
embedded clauses.

1) Are their any typological correlations or generalizations that can be
made concerning the presence of various kinds of verbals with or instead of
the presence of various kindds of dependent or subordinate clauses, or vice-

1a) If the above are "statistical universals" rather than absolute ones,
what are some famous counter-examples?

1b) Anyone know anything interesting about their own or anyone else's
conlangs in this regard?


Relative clauses have at least two uses;

(a) they may be used as clausal adjectives, either "restricting" or
appositively describing whatever participant they have in common with their
main clause;

(b) they may be "TAM-relative" clauses, used as clausal adverbs of time or
manner or modality or etc.; for instance they may further pin down the
tense or aspect of the main clause.

2a. What universals -- whether absolute or statistical and whether
implicational or non-implicational -- describe which participant of the
relative clause is the one the RC describes or restricts?

2b. What universals -- whether absolute or statistical and whether
implicational or non-implicational -- describe which participant of the
relative clause is the one co-referred to by its matrix clause?

2c. Are they always the same?

2d. What universals -- whether absolute or statistical and whether
implicational or non-implicational -- describe which participant of the
_matrix_ clause is the one the RC describes or restricts?

2e. What universals -- whether absolute or statistical and whether
implicational or non-implicational -- describe which participant of the
_matrix_ clause is the one co-referred to by the R.C.?

2f. Among those of the above universals which are implicational rather than
absolute, what are some famous counter-examples?

2g.  What about people's conlangs?

3. What are the kinds of TAM-relative clauses?

3a. Anyone have some interesting natlang examples?

3b. What about any interesting conlang examples?


4. Are there any other kinds of dependent clauses, and/or subordinate
clauses, occuring in any languages, which my questions indicate I'd
probably be interested in but was too ignorant to be able to ask about?

4a.  Especially any that actually occur in attested natlangs.

4b. But how do people's various conlangs handle them?
