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Re: Why conlang

From:Amber Adams <amber@...>
Date:Wednesday, October 10, 2001, 4:11
That's why I do it too, kind of.

More accurately, that's why I make concultures.  But the only way to fully
flesh out a culture is to have a language, so the language was the obvious
consequence of the culture.

I make cultures that I like, and some that I don't like, and such, it's
all a giant experiment in thought.  Or something!

On Tue, Oct 09, 2001 at 10:03:01PM -0500, Patrick Dunn wrote:
> Me, I do it because it's one thing I can have control over, and I can make > the speaker of my languages as noble or base as I like. Right now, it's a > refuge from the pain of current events. I am making a beautiful tropical > island that speaks a language a bit like Hawai'ian, but different. I > guess I make the languages of the places I wish I could be.