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Langmaker down since January?

From:Rebecca Bettencourt <beckiergb@...>
Date:Monday, June 9, 2008, 12:21
I get this trying to edit:

The database is currently locked to new entries and other
modifications, probably for routine database maintenance, after which
it will be back to normal. The administrator who locked it offered
this explanation: The recent wiki outage was caused by us reaching our
database limit on this hardware. The database is currently locked
until January 14, 2008, so that we can back up the database and set up
our new environment.

(by Jeffrey Henning at 16:56, 4 January 2008)

It's now five months later. What happened?

Hasta la pasta,
Rebecca Bettencourt.
I tried the real world once; didn't really care for it.

"I could counter with the fact that a disproportionate number of TG
women I know are computer programmers. ::grin:: In fact, there's a
joke going around that says exposure to computer screens causes
transsexuality." -- Kate Bornstein


Henrik Theiling <theiling@...>