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Re: Phonology Help (Aramaic and Pashto)

From:Eamon Graham <robertg@...>
Date:Wednesday, November 20, 2002, 10:06

A million times thank you!  I needed this!  Finding info on Pashto
was so difficult.  (Our library here has Dari, but not Pashto)  I
had to piece together most of what I knew from various sources that
really didn't have much to say.

(For any one who's interested in why I became interested in Pashto
when I was so unable to find out anything about it: when I was
deciding on how I wanted this project to sound, I went to
and and listened to their broadcasts in various languages.
Pashto caught my ear and the rest is history!  My interest in Modern
East Aramaic can be explained in about the same way.  Anyone else
use similar methods when deciding how they want something to sound?)

Anyway, thanks a million!

Danny Wier wrote:
> > For those who asked about Pashto phonology:


Danny Wier <dawier@...>