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Re: lexicon

From:Sally Caves <scaves@...>
Date:Thursday, May 29, 2003, 17:46
----- Original Message -----
From: "Garrett Jones" <conlang@...>

> > Why? Synonyms isn't a Bad Thing. Especially not for poets! > > i'm not a poet and i'm not big on reading poetry either. Real language is > created first for communication, and secondly for arts, and that's the way > i'm creating Minyeva. Minyeva kind of has some auxlang qualities, one of > them being the lack of synonyms/homophones. It's a lablang, vs. being an > artlang.
Hi B.P.! My "theory" is that Real Language was created first for mystical reasons, and secondly for communication. :) But then I'm weird. Teonaht was originally apotropaic. It was uttered to ward off evil when I was about fourteen. Teonaht has a host of synonyms, but I don't eradicate them. I try to assign them subtle differences in meaning, and I find them useful in rhetorical flourishes. But that gets me into trouble. I don't know why I have so many words meaning: "enemy / attacker / aggressor / violence-doer"; so many words meaning "race / caste / class"; so many words meaning "graceful / gracious," etc. And almost no words for government. I guess I'm obsessed with intruders, upperclass, beauty, and the home. Must work on words for government. There is even a word here in my yellowed dictionary for government: ardyesil. To govern: ardesmarem. Let's see what I have here for "rule": panorem! Just pulled from the air, so many years ago. No, probably is related to paneht, "strength, power." Ardesmarem and panorem. What would be the difference in Teonaht between a governor and a ruler? Smaller district? Then there's mayor to worry about, and president. And what's the difference between a representative and an ambassador? The latter seems to come (in English) from Celtic Latin ambactus, "servant." I have omydivar, "messenger," for ambassador, but that word can also just mean "messenger." So lots of synonyms, but also lots of double and triple duty words. Whatever possessed me to express "reader" and "lawmaker" by the same word??? That needs some reconstruction. Sally Caves Eskkoat ol ai sendran, rohsan nuehra celyil takrem bomai nakuo. "My shadow follows me, putting strange, new roses into the world."


Sally Caves <scaves@...>
Roger Mills <romilly@...>
Nik Taylor <yonjuuni@...>
michael poxon <m.poxon@...>