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Re: OSV; was: Italian Particles

From:Marcus Smith <smithma@...>
Date:Monday, April 24, 2000, 15:42
Tim Smith wrote:

>Interesting. Isn't Chickasaw closely related to Choctaw?
They are very closely related. In fact, for a long time people thought they were dialectal varients of one language.
>A few years ago >I read a few paragraphs about Choctaw in Timothy Shopen's _Language >Typology and Syntactic Description_ and found it so intriguing that I >immediately started working out a conlang grammar based loosely on it >(_very_ loosely, obviously, since those few paragraphs are all I know about >Choctaw).
The grammar of my conlang Telek is very heavily influenced by Chickasaw, though I've added noun incorporation and gender (among other things) to spice things up a bit. Marcus