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Re: Ergativity

From:Costentin Cornomorus <elemtilas@...>
Date:Wednesday, August 13, 2003, 22:35
--- michael poxon <m.poxon@...> wrote:
> Yes, this is the way it works in Omeina too, > and 'Soup cooks' would be > simply surreal, as it would imply that the soup > was cooking something!
It doesn't seem at all strange to me. That's the thing about the English middle voice: it's identical to the active, so you can't tell just by looking. Anyway, things like "our soup cooks very nicely in a dutch oven" and similar don't seem at all unnatural.
> You'd > have to say "(somebody - Robert, the chef, etc) > - is cooking the soup".
You can, and it means something different!
> But then again, English is quite fond of
> essentially passive > constructions "The soup is being cooked" into > non-passive ones like "The > soup is cooking", isn't it?
Yep. Padraic. ===== la cieurgeourea provoer mal trasfu ast meiyoer ke la cieurgeourea andrext ben trasfu. -- There was a musician named Packett, who'd had it, he just couldn't hack it; he stood with care on a cane backed chair, and impaled himself on a rackett. -- Come visit Ill Bethisad! -- <> .