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Re: Conlangs in fiction/movies

From:Rodlox R <rodlox@...>
Date:Thursday, December 22, 2005, 0:14
>Subject: Re: Conlangs in fiction/movies >Date: Wed, 21 Dec 2005 16:43:02 +0200
>You mean D'ni, doesn't you? It's really fascinating. The onlly problem with >D'ni is the copyright and the fact the designer is reluctant to popularize >his conlang. Thus, we can know only those things that are found in the >games. That is why the lang lacks a lot of basic vocabulary, although the >grammar is more or less known.
the D'ni are great, I agree. (whether or not the language was created for the quotations in the books, its great) one language I'm curious about, is the language spoken by the natives of Skull Island in the recent release of _King Kong_. is that a conlang or a real language? *curious*