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Re: Country names still needed

From:Markus Miekk-oja <fam.miekk-oja@...>
Date:Friday, May 9, 2003, 21:15
>Well, Colombia is suposed to be the second country in biodiversity next to
Brazil, and the first if you count only birds...but I cannot come with one representative animal... Well, there is the (Andean) condor, but I had already used it to Bolivia. We also have capibaras ("chigüiro" in Colombia), guinea pigs ("cuy" or "curí"), parrots ("loro", "papagayo", "guacamaya"), cayman (crocodile) ("caimán" and "babilla"), bear (Andean Isn't the cayman a distinct species of crocodile, just as the alligator is a species, and "proper" crocodiles are crocodiles? The difference is large enough - considering the distinctions of reindeer/elk/moose, ... etc. Just my 2 cents, though. - Markus