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Re: CHAT: geographical nomenclature [was Re: Language of Tetril]

From:Anton Sherwood <bronto@...>
Date:Wednesday, December 19, 2001, 5:49
Tony Hogard wrote:
> All of my French, English, Irish, Scots, and Spanish ancestors that I > know about were in the Americas before 1850 (and the Cherokee side of > the family for considerably longer). Those peoples don't figure into > my cultural identity: I'm a Texan, an American, and a Southerner.
Mom once reported that at a bridge game they were saying "My family come from Poland, my family come from Italy," etc, and when asked she said "My family come from Indiana." (Her paternal line came to Pennsylvania in ~1687.) So when she goes to visit family in Indiana, I say she's off to the Old Country. (ObTWIAVBP: Indiana is between Kentucky, Ohio, Michigan and Illinois.) -- Anton Sherwood --