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Re: Articles with propper names (was RE: Same name (was ...))

From:Eric Christopherson <raccoon@...>
Date:Thursday, April 27, 2000, 16:32
At 06:10 AM 4/26/2000, Pablo wrote:
>Carlos Eugenio Thompson (EDC) <EDCCET@...> wrote: > > >> I like that, "the Elizabeth"! If Valdyan had any articles, I'd > >> probably give proper names the definite article as well :-) > >> > >Some dialect in Spanish, mainly in the Quechua influenced area: Chile, > >Bolivia, Perú, Ecuador and Southern Colombia, use the definite article with > >personal names. All dialects uses article (or posesive pronoun) with > >titles. > >Yes, "el doctor", "la señora", etc. The definite article with personal >names is common in Argentina; it's considered uneducated, but is very >frequent within families and for some popular figures (Diego Maradona, >for example, is "el Diego" for most Argentine men), and a folklore >singer, Soledad Pastorutti, is "la Sole". :)
My professor said that at least in the Spanish spoken in the southwestern US, putting a definite article before a personal name is often taken as derogatory. Is this true of other dialects? Eric Christopherson / *Aiworegs Ghristobhorosyo