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Re: vocabulary

From:caeruleancentaur <caeruleancentaur@...>
Date:Friday, April 15, 2005, 12:13
--- In, Jean-François Colson wrote:

>What about the verb "to slay"? Where does it come from? Is it
related >to "slaughter"? Or to the Dutch "slagen"? Joe <joe@W...> wrote:
>>Both, I suspect. 'slay' was originally 'slean' >>sl&an] '*sleahan'[sl&axan], which looks quite possibly related to >>the Dutch [sla:G@n]~[sla:X@n] (I think). Equally, I >>believe 'slaughter'(as a noun) comes from OE. 'sleahtre', from the >>same root. (Just from memory. May be wrong).
slay < ME slen(en), slew, sleyen < OE slean, sloh, slægen < PIE *slak. Cognate to sledgehammer, slaughter, schlock, onslaught, slag?, slack? Charlie