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Re: CHAT: Trial of the century?

From:Dan Sulani <dan_sulani@...>
Date:Saturday, January 16, 1999, 18:16
At 07:44 AM 1/16/99 +0200
---Shaul Vardi <vardi@...> wrote:
> > Has anyone else noticed a dramatic reduction in flow on the list over > the last few days? > > Could it be that the American participants (and others) are glued to
> televison watching the bizarre events from Washington DC? >
Watch, yes. Glued, no.
> Perhaps we could each offer our conlang versions of the following: > > 1. I didn't inhale. > 2. My own infidelity is quite a different matter. > 3. Cigars are for putting in your mouth. > >
An interesting linguistic exercise. In rtemmu one could say: 1. uuras nana hux. 2. lirasnana gzag na pslek mun itihkxere, auag ga'r` na gbubr`. 3. inano xshu no dbihk no rasbel mun na mo`g no nin.
Dan Sulani == likehsna rtem zuv tikuhnuh auag inuvuz vaka'a. A word is an awesome thing. _________________________________________________________ DO YOU YAHOO!? Get your free address at