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Re: CHAT: Trial of the century?

From:list James E. Hopkins <espero9@...>
Date:Wednesday, January 20, 1999, 13:25
Re: Shaul's response to Tom's comments about political threads on the List:

Couldn't we all lighten up a little bit?  Granted that all of us would like to
stay as close to topic as possible, still our interests are many and from time
to time will impact the list.

If a particular subject comes up and no one is interested no one will respond.
If the topic gets to hot to handle and is annoying a majority of others on the
list a POLITE suggestion to move the topic to private e-mail might be best.

Jim H
ta Druntan shas tsigarey!
(the Druni without a cigar!  Don't know where to put it! :))