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Re: "and"

From:Philip Newton <philip.newton@...>
Date:Friday, August 18, 2006, 13:03
On 8/15/06, Doug Dee <AmateurLinguist@...> wrote:
> A conlang example is Klingon, which has _je_ to join NPs and _'ej_ to join > clauses.
And, as in Tatari Faran, _je_ also functions as "also". (And Klingon _je_ shares with English the ambiguity where "I saw you, too" can mean either "(I, too) saw you" = "I saw you, and others saw you as well" and "I saw (you, too)" = "I saw you, and I saw others as well". And, though the dictionary doesn't make this explicit, I wouldn't be surprised if it could also mean "I (saw, too) you" = "I saw you, but that was not the only thing I 'did to' you [e.g. I also talked to you]".) Cheers, -- Philip Newton <philip.newton@...>