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French and US high school language instruction

From:Philip Newton <philip.newton@...>
Date:Monday, May 27, 2002, 15:51
On 25 May 02, at 18:01, Thomas R. Wier wrote:

> I think this vastly oversimplifies why people in any > given country tend to learn foreign languages in a given > way.
> (We often forget that, as conlangers, we like to learn > languages which have more or less by definition no pragmatic > value for us in the Real World. Most of mankind is, alas, > not like us in this respect.)
Yay! I get to plug Mark Rosenfelder ;) "When do people learn languages?" (which also covers why people learn them, some language myths, and how people go about learning languages) A recent article -- it appeared on his Multiverse about two weeks ago, IIRC. Cheers, Philip -- Philip Newton <Philip.Newton@...>


Thomas R. Wier <trwier@...>Language Replacement (Re: French and US high school language instruction)