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Re: another new conlang

From:Rachel Klippenstein <estel_telcontar@...>
Date:Wednesday, February 19, 2003, 5:33
Hi Robert
I went through your list... I can manage most of the
sounds in simple syllables I think, just not <pp>,
<cc>, <?>, <??>, <aa>, <a>, and maybe <qq>.

But since you throw at least one of those into almost
all your words, that leaves only <mrYcxool> for me to
try to pronounce... I think I managed, after many

<mrYcxooll> and <hr??jyaqxltxm> look like they're
misspelt - I don't see <Y> and <y> anywhere in your
orthography, just in your phonetic representation.
Were they supposed to be spelt
<mruucxooll> and <hr??jiiaqxltxm> ?

Your language is really heavy on laterals... if you
wanted to be even more lateral-heavy, I think you
could even throw bilabial laterals.  I know the IPA
chart says they're impossible, but I've always
wondered why, because I can make them way easier than
lots of the sounds actually in the IPA.

It drives me crazy that the IPA doesn't have symbols
for labiodental stops/plosives, because I use them all
the time, by accident.  I've often caught myself
saying things like "maybe" with labiodentals instead
of bilabials.

> sounds that can be voiced or voiceless are voiced > before voiceless vowels > and voiceless before voiced vowels.
And what are they word-finally, as <q> in <wamq> ? What about before other consonants? Fun tongue-twisting. Rachel Klippenstein ______________________________________________________________________ Post your free ad now!


Nik Taylor <yonjuuni@...>