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Re: isolating conlangs

From:Joseph Fatula <joefatula@...>
Date:Thursday, February 22, 2007, 3:17
Leon Lin wrote:
> I am, in fact my goal is to make it completly isolating, no "morphology" at > all. Sometimes I wonder if agglutinating and isolating are really two > different things, I mean you could just define a word to include surrounding > particles and then your isolating language has magically transformed into an > agglutinating one! > > -Leon > > MorphemeAddict@WMCONNECT.COM wrote: Most of the conlangs I've seen here have complex morphologies, but is > anyone > working with isolating languages, a la Chinese or Vietnamese? > > stevo > > > > --------------------------------- > Access over 1 million songs - Yahoo! Music Unlimited. > > > >
That may be exactly how it works. I've worked on a project that started out fully isolating, and then many of the prepositions, pronouns, etc. were merged into nearby words, making it quite agglutinative. Throw in some aggressive sound changes, and they collapse down into inflections. Do some more, and they are subsumed entirely, making it isolating again.