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Re: Help? Asciification of musical language

From:James Worlton <jworlton@...>
Date:Tuesday, June 15, 2004, 1:25
Rachel Klippenstein wrote:
> James Worlton ha tera a: > >>>Rachel Klippenstein wrote: >> > [...] > > >>>Or I could use the numbers to represent the notes, >>>with 1 being the first note of the scale, and 7 being the 7th. >>>Then the above sequence of notes would be written >> >>>1 147 1245-47 457-63 1 >> >>>That looks terribly illegible to me. >> > >>Actually, from my musician viewpoint, this is more >>intelligible than using letters. To me, the letters would >>'require' a non-relativistic interpretation (some people >>say that I have 'perfect pitch'; I don't think it's 'perfect' >>but rather PDG.) Anyway, the number system lets the scale/pitch >>element reside in the background more easily for me. > > > Yes, the main advantage of numbers is that they're less closely tied to > specific intervals or pitches. Do you prefer starting at 1 and going > to 7, or starting at 0 and going to 6? >
In talking about diatonic scales I prefer 1-7 since the numbers represent scale degrees. Starting with 0 implies a chromatic/atonal context (courtesy of Allen Forte's _The Structure of Atonal Music_), and usually involves the entire chromatic set (0-11). The numbers here relate to the number of semitones away from the beginning pitch -- 0. -- ============= James Worlton "We know by means of our intelligence that what the intelligence does not comprehend is more real than what it does comprehend." --Simone Weil