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Re: Anything else to declare? (Was: RE: "if that makes any difference")

From:Paul Bennett <paul-bennett@...>
Date:Tuesday, March 1, 2005, 2:54
----- Original Message -----
From: Shaul Vardi <vardi@...>
> I encourage anyone who doesn't have a problem with disclosing this > kindof information to do so (especially all you straight right- > handers!) so > that the impression created is as representative as possible.
I have been known to be other than entirely straight in the past, but I'm happily married, and thus de facto straight these days. I'm right-handed, bearded, and as far as I know non-Lithuanian. In fact, I don't *think* there's a shred of my DNA that isn't English, back at least into the mid 1750s. Of course, if you go back far enough, that means Welsh, Scottish, French, Danish, German and Italian, at the very least, but that's a subject for history class, not a Conlang-l reply. I'm trying to think if there are any other demographics we've discussed in the past... Mental illness? Tourette's, and ADD (no "(H)"). Some have called me Borderline Schizotypal as well, but nobody with the power to do anything about it. <s>Married</s>Done that one. No kids. No plans for any, any time soon. Into a wide, eclectic selection of music, about which I realised recently that if you can use the word "heavy" to describe it, I'll probably like it. Led Zep, Prodigy, Iron Maiden, Sex Pistols, and several others. I have a Launchcast station that explains it better, and also gives a taste of my taste in comedy: Paul