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Re: Posting limits

From:Tristan Mc Leay <kesuari@...>
Date:Friday, July 16, 2004, 1:32
Mark P. Line wrote:
> Tristan Mc Leay said: > >>But their new Salads Plus range seems to include some 'healthy' burgers >>made with lite meat and I think pretty close to fresh vegetables on it! >>I don't know what's happened to the real McDonalds we know and love... > > > > Not a problem. Just check out the nutritional data for their salad dressings.
Ah, thanks. That makes me feel better. (They're putting nutritional info on the actual food wrappers these days, though... And spent more money on an advertising campaign refuting 'that movie' than was spent on making the movie, though mostly they didn't say 'that movie' was wrong, but that McDonalds America is different from McDonalds Australia.) -- | Tristan. | To be nobody-but-yourself in a world | kesuari@yahoo! | which is doing its best to, night and day, | | to make you everybody else--- | | means to fight the hardest battle | | which any human being can fight; | | and never stop fighting. | | --- E. E. Cummings, "A Miscellany" | | | | In the fight between you and the world, | | back the world. | | --- Franz Kafka, | | "RS's 1974 Expectation of Days"


Mark P. Line <mark@...>