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Re: yet another romance conlang

From:Steg Belsky <draqonfayir@...>
Date:Thursday, January 6, 2000, 23:25
On Fri, 7 Jan 2000 10:22:05 +1300 andrew <hobbit@...>
> > "even (though)" = _fi:lu:_, from Hebrew _afilu_.
> The survival of this word seems to be compulsary :) > - andrew. > --
. It is compulsary :-) ! I remember reading in a book on the history of Hebrew that every Jewish vernacular uses the word _afilu_, so i had to put it in Ju:dajca also. Although the initial ultrashort /a/ was a problem...since Ju:dajca can't candle ultrashorts, it would end up hardening the /P/ to a /p/, making the word /apijluw/. And, if i just dropped the initial /?a<us>/, the /P/ would become /p/ anyway. So i decided that it would survive in intact form for a long time, until the phoneme /f/ re-developed in Ju:dajca out of /v/ (original Romance /f/s became /p/), and then the /P/ would just turn into an /f/. There are some dialects that pronounce the two the same, anyway. -Stephen (Steg) "survival is insufficient."