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Re: yet another romance conlang

From:Daniel A. Wier <dawier@...>
Date:Wednesday, January 5, 2000, 21:46
>From: John Cowan <jcowan@...>
>Steg Belsky wrote: > > > Ju:dajca is commonly written in boustrophedon style, with alternating > > lines of latin (left-to-right) and hebrew (right-to-left) scripts. > >ACK PFFT! Jews have always used the Hebrew alphabet to write their >special languages (though Ladino is often written *more Romanico* >nowadays). >Please lose this over-cute feature.
Maybe he could try alternating Latin and Arabic, since Arabic is after all the number two script in the world after Latin. Of course you'd have to mark all or most of the vowels in Arabic. (This obviously would work better if the Latin was written in cursive.) A controversial idea, I know -- I just happen to be a fan of Arabic script. I even use the 33-letter extended Arabic/Persian abjad for shorthand in English, French, Spanish... Danny ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at