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Re: OT: A Plea (was OT everything)

From:John Cowan <jcowan@...>
Date:Wednesday, June 11, 2003, 13:51
Peter Clark scripsit:

> So tell me, oh List Lord, what sacrifices must I offer? (I'm running a little > low on virgins, but I've got a couple of old laptops that I need to get rid > of, will that suffice?)
The operative word is not "Lord" < OE hlaf-weard 'bread-keeper', but "Instrumentality". I am the instrument of the list, that's all. I can ban particular persons, but I can't make the list shut up as a whole except by jawboning -- which in this case would be singularly hypocritical of me. ObOT: Cordwainer Smith was an Episcopalian, and "instrumentality" is a technical term in E. theology.... John Cowan, Lord of the Instrumentality of Conlang. -- A witness cannot give evidence of his John Cowan age unless he can remember being born. --Judge Blagden


John Leland <leland@...>