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Re: Negation?

From:Ed Heil <edheil@...>
Date:Thursday, July 8, 1999, 0:34
Yep, it eliminates the possibility of *merely* negating a statement;
to negate a statement you have to say *why* it's not true -- which is
often much more specific.

I guess that's an available dimension along which to customize
conlangs -- permitted degree of specificity in different situations.

Ed Heil -------------------------------
"Facts are meaningless! You can use facts to prove anything
   that's even _remotely_ true!"           -- Homer Simpson

Matt Pearson wrote:

> Patrick Dunn done wrote: > > >My language Hatas-Oa, the notes of which have been lost, had no negative > >forms. To say, "don't shut the window!" you'd have to say "let the window > >remain open." It required a strange sort of precision, actually. > > > >"Do you want somethiing to drink?" > >"I am satisfied." > > > >"Do you want some tea?" > >"I like coffee." > > Very interesting. Reminds me of Laadan, in which it is allegedly
> to directly contradict someone (although, as we've discussed on this list, > that's not strictly speaking true). > > It seems that the Hatas-Oa system would work for concepts that have > opposites ("open" and "shut", for instance), but that it would run into > problems with non-polar concepts. How, for instance, could you express > something like "John is not my brother" or "It didn't rain yesterday"? > I suppose you could come up with non-negative paraphrases which would > get those ideas across (e.g. "John is someone else's brother", "It was > sunny yesterday"), but of course those don't convey exactly the same > meaning. > > Hatas-Oa speakers must have a rather unique understanding of truth- > conditional semantics... :-) > > Matt. > > ------------------------------------ > Matt Pearson > > UCLA Linguistics Department > 405 Hilgard Avenue > Los Angeles, CA 90095-1543 > ------------------------------------ >