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Re: T-shirts...

From:Fabian <lajzar@...>
Date:Friday, April 13, 2001, 5:37
Putting aside the current problem with the T-shirt Mk2 project, I was
thinking of reviving my original T-shirt project (yep, I was the one who
inspired it all in the first place).

I recently discovered [], and that site seems to be the
solution to finding a reliable printer (my original printer in England just
'dissapeared'), and to conerting currencies.

I still have all those sample texts sent to me many moons ago (heck, I even
kept my original pre-order list). The main thing holding me back is a
complete lack of ability with regard to graphic design. Is anyone up for
designing this? I'd just liek to point out now that it will be done on a
zero-profit basis (after all, these are everyone's designs to some extent).


Oh, I updated my website. It's still the Javascript extravaganza, so no
Opera/Lynx, but it works, is fast, and it now has some language stuff!

Hush now, he has something special to say
Can you put your hands together this way?