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Re: Another Glossotechnia playtesting report

From:Campbell Nilsen <cactus95@...>
Date:Tuesday, March 18, 2008, 0:44
Could anybody explain to me how trigger languages work? I don't understand them.

"Define 'cynical'."-M. Mudd

----- Original Message ----
From: Campbell Nilsen <cactus95@...>
Sent: Monday, March 17, 2008 7:35:03 PM
Subject: Re: Another Glossotechnia playtesting report

Ha! A card game company?

Let us all face the truth: conlanging is an art which is underappreciated at best
and considered seriously deranged at worst.
All of us on this list-good, worthy souls- are trying to change that, but the truth remains.
However, I live on a school campus, with access to serious printing tech. Hmm...
I am seriously broke, so I can't offer much.

"Define 'cynical'."-M. Mudd

----- Original Message ----
From: Jim Henry <jimhenry1973@...>
Sent: Monday, March 17, 2008 7:25:58 PM
Subject: Re: Another Glossotechnia playtesting report

On Mon, Mar 17, 2008 at 6:49 PM, Campbell Nilsen <cactus95@...> wrote:
> Is there any way I could get my hands on a deck?
You could make your own using the information in the "Composition of the deck" document on my website. Or if you make me a good enough offer I could mail you one of my decks. I don't have an automated way of making decks yet, they've all been made by hand using markers, pens and blank index cards. Or -- I think Matthew Haupt has semi-automated the production of cards for his "Make-a-Lang" game which is (as far as I can tell) Glossotechnia by another name. He might be able to send you word-processing files you can use to print and cut out cards. If so, let me know as well. I don't think the composition of the deck is settled enough to justify automated production on a large scale yet. It needs more playtesting. At some point, I would probably contact a card game company like Looney Labs with a proposal. -- Jim Henry


Amanda Babcock Furrow <langs@...>Trigger languages